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New Patients

Call (518) 567-8809 to set up your first appointment


Adjustments/Private Appointments - these appointments were created so that you have the privacy to ask Michael the questions that you need to ask, go deeply into the work on yourself or come clear on what it is that you truly want and desire and learn how to give it to yourself. You will be adjusted at your first appointment. During these appointments you will learn more about who you are and how to be with yourself and your life differently.  $50.00 per 10 minutes, New Patient appointments 40 minutes, $200.


Relationship Coaching, Private Coaching and Consultative Services with Michael

 $50 per 10 minutes (1/2 hour minimum)


Long Distance (Remote) Healing
$50.00 per month energy transmission
$50 per 10 minutes for telephone, zoom, Skype and in-person support 



Educational Workshops



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